Viviana Cigolotti, PhD
Head of Division of Technologies and Vectors for Decarbonization: storage, hydrogen, mobility, CCUS and end uses.
ENEA Italian National Agency forNew Technologies,Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Italy
Executive Board Member of Hydrogen Europe Research, TC Leader for Heat & Power and Industry, and Chair of the IEA Technology Collaboration Programme Advanced Fuel Cells.
She has key competences and experience on hydrogen production, storage, and fuel cell technologies for stationary and mobile applications, including ecosystem integration in ports and islands. She coordinates and participates in several national and European funded projects and has authored several scientific papers in the above fields in international journals or international conference proceedings.
She obtained her PhD in Industrial Engineering in 2009 from the University of Naples Federico II, Italy.
Jack Brouwer, Ph.D
Professor, Mechanical and AerospaceEngineering
Director, Clean Energy Institute
University of California Irvine
Prof.Brouwer is an energy system dynamics expert with research interests in renewable energy systems; dynamic simulation and control; energy system thermo dynamics, design, and integration; electrochemical conversion devices and systems such as fuel cells, electrolyzers and batteries; hydrogen production, storage and conversion systems; hydrogen transmission, distribution, and dispensing; and electrochemical reactions with concurrent heat, mass and momentum transfer. Prof. Brouwer obtained his M.S. and B.S. inMechanical Engineering from UCI and his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering andPost-Doc in Chemical Engineering at MIT.