Plenary Speakers Bio

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Mirela Atanasiu

Executive Director a.i., Head of Unit of Operations and Communication, Clean Hydrogen Partnership

Mirela Atanasiu is the Executive Director ad interim of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, taking over from Bart Biebuyck whose mandate finished on 15.05.2023.

She is also the Head of Unit of Operations and Communication since 2016. Previously, for more than 12 years she was a Senior Project Manager and Research Programme Officer in the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) and the European Commission (Directorate Research and Innovation/Energy), following on a background experience as researcher in the Energy sector in Romania. She holds an M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering/Materials Science and an M.Sc. in Economics/Cybernetics and Economic Analysis

Jack Brouwer

Professor: Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering;
Director: National Fuel Cell Research Center, Advanced Power and Energy Program
National Fuel Cell Research Center

Brouwer’s research focuses upon high-temperature electrochemical dynamics and integrated renewable energy systems including fuel cells, electrolyzers, batteries, gas turbines, and solar and wind power.

Brouwer is recognized for research and development of the world’s first integrated hybrid solid oxide fuel cell gas turbine system, the world’s first renewable high temperature fuel cell system for tri-generation of hydrogen, heat, and power, the world’s first direct DC powering of data center servers with a fuel cell, and the U.S. first renewable power-to-gas hydrogen injection into the natural gas system and subsequent conversion to decarbonized electricity in a combined cycle power plant.

Brouwer received his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1993. From 1993 to 1997, he served as a research assistant professor at the University of Utah and was a member of the technical staff at Reaction Engineering International.

He came to UC Irvine in 1997 as associate director of the National Fuel Cell Research Center (NFCRC), concurrently holding appointments as lecturer, assistant and then associate adjunct professor. He was named assistant professor in the summer of 2011 and became full professor in the summer of 2017.

Luigi Crema

Hydrogen EuropeResearch / President
Fondazione Bruno Kessler / Director of the Center for Sustainable Energy
Italian Hydrogen Association / VicePresident

Luigi Crema is the director of the Center for Sustainable Energy at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, in Trento. A physicist, he deals with issues connected with energy transition and the development of technology solutions for hydrogen and batteries, the two main pillars of the Center with about 60 between researchers, innovators, and technicians. He is involved in 2 IPCEI projects, on batteries in EuBatIn and on hydrogen technologies in Hy2Tech, with the ongoing realization of a technology infrastructure of industrial relevance in Rovereto, close by Trento, in theHydrogen Pole of the Province of Trento.

He is President of Hydrogen Europe Research giving support to the realization and implementation of the programme of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership as a member of the Governing Board together with European Commission and Hydrogen Europe industry.

He is the vice-president of the Italian Hydrogen Association, supporting the role of hydrogen at the national scale and through the engagement of national institutions.

Among other roles, he is a founder and a member of the National Academy of Engineering andTechnology and involved in the BEPA, the European Battery Partnership.

For over twenty years, he has been involved in innovation between research and the industrial sector, with experience on how to transform development areas into viable solutions and economic value. He supported the creation and growth of Start-up such as Green Energy Storage, where he is a member of the scientific committee,and Unitec. He was involved in more than 40 project initiatives on the energy sector and in more than 100 scientific papers.

Ibrahim Dincer

Editor-in-Chief, Energy Storage
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Exergy
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Global Warming
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Research, Innovation and Commercialisation
Special Issues Coordinating Editor, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
President,  Hydrogen Technologies Association
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Ontario Tech. University (formerly UOIT)

Dr. Ibrahim Dincer is a full professor of Mechanical Engineering at Ontario Tech. University. Renowned for his pioneering works in the area of sustainable energy technologies he has authored/co-authored many books and book chapters, along with many refereed journal and conference papers.

Dr. Dincer has chaired many national and international conferences, symposia, workshops and technical meetings. Dr. Dincer has delivered many keynotes and invited lectures. Dr. Dincer is an active member of various international scientific organizations and societies, and serves as editor-in-chief, associate editor, regional editor, and editorial board member on various prestigious international journals. Dr. Dincer currently serves as President for Hydrogen Technologies Association in Turkey and Chair for Energy Working Group in Turkish Academy of Sciences.

Dr. Dincer is a recipient of several research, teaching and service awards, including the Premier's research excellence award in Ontario, Canada. During the past nine years he has been recognized by Thomson Reuters as one of the Most Influential Scientific Minds in Engineering and one of the most highly cited researchers.

During the past 25 years Dr. Dincer’s research and activities have been diverse and primarily focussed on sustainable energy solutions, sustainable communities and cities, district energy systems, green buildings, renewable energy technologies, energy storage technologies, hydrogen energy technologies, and waste to energy technologies. His group has developed various novel technologies for commercialization. He is known for his engineering education related talks as a committed educator.

Giorgio Graditi

Director of General ENEA

Engineer, 54 years old, Giorgio Graditi is Director General of ENEA and has held various positions including that of Director of the Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources.

Since 2019 he has been president of MEDENER, the association recognized by the European Commission that brings together the national agencies of the Mediterranean countries engaged in the field of energy efficiency and renewable sources.

He is a member of the board of directors of the partnership NEST - Network 4 Energy Sustainable Transition funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, is the coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee of the National Energy Technology Cluster and was an expert member of the MUR Working Group for the Thematic Area “Industrial Energetics”, Area “Climate, Energy and Sustainable Mobility”, National Research Plan 2021-2027.

He is deputy coordinator of the Joint Program on Smart Grids within EERA, the European Energy Research Alliance, and responsible for numerous national and european projects and agreements with Ministries, in particular the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, and stakeholders in the energy sector.

He is the author, with Scopus H-index 39, of scientific books, and of over 250 articles published in international journals and in the proceedings of international congresses.

Kazuyuki Imazato

Director Generalof Representative Office in Europe, NEDO

Kazuyuki IMAZATO is Director General of Representative Office in Europe of New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), since July 2021.

He’s currently responsible for strengthening relationship between Japan and Europe in the energy, industrial technology and environmental areas through promoting related R&D activities.

Especially in the hydrogen-related sector, he has currently been supporting several demonstration projects of Japanese companies in Germany and UK.

He also contributed to establish the latest Japanese national hydrogen strategy, which published inJune 2023, because NEDO has a close relationship with METI, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japanese government, as a national innovation agency.

Before entering NEDO, as anofficial of METI, he has long and diversified career in policy-making of science and technology and innovation, of manufacturing industry and of energy industry since 2003.

His academic background is molecular biology and public policy management. He has a bachelor and a master of science from Tokyo University (Japan) and a master in public policy management from CarnegieMellon University (USA).

Aristide Fausto Massardo

Full Professor and Chair of Energy Systems
Chairholder UNESCO Chair  Innovative Sustainable Clean Energy
Director Rolls-Royce Fuel Cell Systems University Technology Centre
Director Fincantieri-UNIGE HI-SEA Joint lab.
Scientific Committee Member CEA, Paris.
University of Genoa, Polytechnic School, DIME

Prof. Massardo is the coordinator of the Thermochemical Power Group ( since 1998.

In the group more than 35 researchers (permanent staff, post docs, and Ph.D.students) are active. He has been involved in about 40 EU research projects, and in many other international collaborations including the one with Department of Energy US through the CRADA agreement between DoE - NationalEnergy Technology Laboratory (NETL) and University of Genoa (IT).

Prof.Massardo is the owner of 7 patents and his research activity includes more than30 international invited and keynote lecturers, and 140 Journal papers. He is the recipients of 13 “international Awards”.

Dr. Maged K. Mahmoud

Technical Director, Lead Renewable Energy Advisor, Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE)

Dr. Maged Mahmoud is a sustainable energy lead expert and the Technical Director of theRegional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE). He has multidisciplinary expertise and solid accomplishments in the fields of sustainable energy transition in the Egyptian, Arab and African arenas.

Over the past 28 years, Dr Mahmoud played a key role in helping Arab countries from North Africa and the Middle East to develop sustainable energy and energy transition master plans and to identify technology options, formulate renewable energy (RE) strategies, and introduce implementation mechanisms for increased reliance on private sector through viable business models and instruments supporting both utility- and small-scale developers and recognizing positive socio-economic impacts.

Dr. Mahmoud has managed and contributed to over 70 projects, initiatives, and studies in collaboration with international organizations and IFIs, mobilizing several billions USD in wind and solar projects across the Arab region. Dr. Mahmoud was an official at the EgyptianNew and Renewable Energy Authority for around 15 years where he contributed significantly to setting the Egyptian renewable energy strategies, and in the design of the “best-fit” policies for implementation resulting in more than 3000MW installed new renewable capacities.

He deeply contributed to planning and contracting several hundreds megawatts of wind and solar energy projects amounting to around one billion USD. Further, he participated in developing the quality infrastructure for testing solar thermal and energy efficiency systems in Egypt and the region.

Dr. Maged Mahmoud is Egyptian with a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mechanical Power Engineering and holds the “Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research Award for Development and Innovations in Renewable Energy” since 2001.  

He is also a lecturer at the British University in Egypt (BUE). He is a certified trainer and author/co-author of over 50 specialized publications and articles. Dr.Mahmoud is an advisor and board member of several entities, networks, projects, and initiatives at national, regional, and international levels.